Yoga All Levels @ Feelgoodstudio 1070 " Therapy / Chikitsa "
Yoga All Levels @ Feelgoodstudio 1070 " Therapy / Chikitsa "


Alle Levels

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Yoga All Levels @ Feelgoodstudio 1070 " Therapy / Chikitsa "
Yoga All Levels @ Feelgoodstudio 1070 " Therapy / Chikitsa "

Die Klasseninhalte variieren und werden je nach Gruppe angepasst. Flexibilität, Fokus und Kraft sind stets Bestandteil der Stunde. Unsere qualifizierten LehrerInnen führen dich durch die Klasse und bieten dir Variationen, die eine ausgewogene Praxis für sämtliche Levels ermöglichen.

In dieser Einheit laden wir dich ein, auf deinen eigenen Körper zu hören. Ganz egal, ob du erfahrener Yogi bist oder erst am Anfang deines Yogaweges stehst, in der All Level-Einheit fühlst du dich bestimmt wohl.

Sämtliche Infos zu allen Stunden und unserem Team findest du auf unserer Webseite:

bitte beachte: wir sind ein internationales Studio und sobald eine Person im Raum kein oder zu wenig Deutsch spricht/versteht, findet die Einheit auf Englisch statt

Our qualified teachers guide you through a practice designed to train flexibility, strength, focus and the ability to listen to your body. Variations will be offered for all levels, and the intensity of the sequences will be adjusted to the needs of the class.

Whether you are an experienced yogi or just starting your yoga path, this all-level class has something for everyone.

Find more information about all our classes and the team on our webpage:


Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2020


07:00 - 08:15

(75 min)


1070 Gruppenraum


Burggasse 31, 1070 Wien



Bruno Teyssandier (EN, FR)


Bruno Teyssandier was an active mountain and mountain bike tour guide before he came in contact with yoga in 1998. After an accident in Nepal (1999), which made him turn around 180 degree, he decided to participate in a yoga teacher training in LA California in the fall of 1999. Since then, he has studied in India in 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018. He owned, directed and taught at Yoga 108 in Marin county (California) and New Orleans (Louisiana) for 7 years, taught around the world from 2004 to this day. He graduated from many methods of Hatha Yoga included but not limited to Bikram Yoga (L.A California 1999), Iyengar Yoga Therapy Program (Poona, India 2000-2001), Iyengar Yoga Apprenticeship (San Francisco, California 2001-2002), Moksha/Modo yoga (Montreal, Canada 2010) , studied with Sri K Pattabhi Jois (Ashtanga yoga) in Mysore India for 9 months 2003-2004, Cameron Shane (Budokon Yoga) in Dusseldorf 2015, and mainly he has been a dedicated student of Manouso Manos, who is one of the most capable and experienced of the Senior Iyengar Yoga Teachers, for over 16 years. Bruno was invited as a guess teacher to two “Yoga to the people” teacher training in 2010( N.Y.C and San Francisco) and as a lead teacher in the Bali yoga Wien 3 weeks program in Bali in Oct 2017 and Feb 2018. In 2015, he was introduce to Qigong and has been practicing weekly since as well as Tai Chi since 2016. In 2017, he discovered Kalaripayattu and spend 8 weeks in Kozhikode (Kerala-India) to study the basics of this art. In March 2018, he graduated from Flyhighyoga@ in Bali, a method that is inspired by the Iyengar yoga tradition using device to hang and be supported by belt hooked on the ceiling. His directions are firm but nurturing, he teaches from a warm heart and sense of humor, yet with strong focus.


10,00 €

Schnuppereinheit (nur für NeukundInnen)


28,00 €

10 Tage Welcome Feelgood


89,00 €

30 Tage unlimitiert (NeukundIn)


108,00 €

10er Block NeukundIn (nur für NeukundInnen)


20,00 €

Gruppenstunden Drop in

48,00 €

7 Tage Unlimitiert / 7 Days Unlimited

89,00 €

21 Tage Unlimitiert / 21 Days Unlimited

120,00 €

30 Tage Unlimitiert / 30 Days Unlimited

160,00 €

10er Block / 10 Class Pass

188,00 €

Feelgood-DETOX 10 Tage UNLIMITED

285,00 €

SPRING SPECIAL 2024: 90 Tage Unlimiert / Unlimited

289,00 €

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 20er Block / 20 Class Pass

298,00 €

90 Tage unlimitiert / 90 Days Unlimited

300,00 €

20er Block / 20 Class Pass

58,00 € / month

Feelgood Limited Membership


99,00 € / month

Feelgood Unlimited Membership





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Yoga All Levels


Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2020


07:00 - 08:15

(75 min)


Bruno Teyssandier (EN, FR)
