Prenatal Yoga - zwangerschapsyoga

Starts on Saturday, 18/11/2023
Price 58.00 €


Prenatal yoga sessions offer a unique and tailored approach to support expectant mothers throughout their pregnancy journey. Our classes focus on the use of controlled breathing techniques and specialized body postures to promote physical and mental well-being. Participants can anticipate a combination of breathwork exercises, gentle stretches, and strengthening movements that enhance resilience and prepare both the body and mind for the journey of childbirth and beyond. Additionally, we incorporate restorative poses and guided relaxation to facilitate a sense of calm and rejuvenation. This dedicated time allows you to connect with yourself and maintain your overall well-being during this extraordinary phase of life.

If your healthcare provider has granted approval for maintaining physical activity during pregnancy, prenatal yoga is an excellent choice for expectant mothers at any stage. Our classes are designed to cater to individuals in second en third trimesters, and no prior yoga experience is required. Our prenatal yoga instructor will provide essential guidance and adjustments, accommodating both beginners and seasoned practitioners.

Yoga teacher?

Monica Thukkaram

Who is it for?

Pregnant women who are at least 14 weeks into their pregnancy and have received clearance from their healthcare provider.

What to Expect?

Anticipate a holistic experience that encompasses controlled breathing, gentle stretching, strengthening exercises, and specific body positions designed specifically for pregnant women to nurture a healthy mind and body throughout their pregnancy journey.

Where en when?

Saturdays: 18/11, 25/11, 2/12 and 9/12/2023 at 10am at Het gezonde huis (Blandenstraat 236, 3053 Haasrode)


€48 + €10 sports insurance

Teacher :



1.18/11/202310:00 - 11:00Het gezonde huis - Blandenstraat 236, 3053 HaasrodeMonica
2.25/11/202310:00 - 11:00Het gezonde huis - Blandenstraat 236, 3053 HaasrodeMonica
3.02/12/202310:00 - 11:00Het gezonde huis - Blandenstraat 236, 3053 HaasrodeMonica
4.09/12/202310:00 - 11:00Het gezonde huis - Blandenstraat 236, 3053 HaasrodeMonica


Voor de workshops dient op voorhand ingeschreven en betaald te worden tenzij anders vermeld. Betaling geldt als definitieve inschrijving. Bij annulatie door de klant, tot 2 weken voor de datum waarop de workshop doorgaat, wordt 50% van het betaalde inschrijvingsgeld terugbetaald. Bij annulatie door de klant, korter dan 2 weken voor de datum waarop de workshop doorgaat, wordt het inschrijvingsgeld niet terugbetaald. Het gezonde huis/ vzw Samen Gezond houdt zich het recht voor om de workshop te annuleren indien er onvoldoende inschrijvingen zouden zijn. In dit geval wordt het reeds betaalde bedrag 100% aan de klant terugbetaald.

* All prices including VAT